We offer instruction in all forms of riding and training.
Lesson's in Parelli style natural horsemanship, english (jumping, dressage) western. Horse parties with hand-led horses, goats, donkeys, draft horses…
AMHA/AMHR Mini Horses & ASPC Shetlands, + AKC Cardigan Welsh Corgi's 1's w/ the Tails located now in Billings Missouri. Herding Breed, Quality companion…
Specializing in larger gaited Tennessee Walking Horse's with great minds and the ability to preform in many different avenues in life. We mainly sell…
We are a small farming operation in Southeast, Kansas producing athletic, trainable, good minded Quarter Horses for most of your ranch needs.
Born & raised on cattle ranch, with ranch horses. Graduated from college with a 2 year degree in Equine training and management specializing in barrels…
The 3 Sevens Ranch was founded with the goal of producing outstanding appaloosa horses that can be shown competitively, or loved and enjoyed as an…
We're located in the heart of the Ozarks in beautiful SW Missouri. We are raising ponies of all types, gaited, stock type and sport type ponies in…